
Missio Politica: The Mission of Church and Politics is unavailable, but you can change that!

Evangelical Christians in many countries shy away from politics. And yet, especially with the rise of the Pentecostal and charismatic movements, the interest and involvement in political activity is becoming a daily reality in evangelical circles. At the same time, evangelical politicians are not exempt from scandals of corruption and complaints of ineffectiveness. Are Christians unable to do...

My personal experience led me to deepen my understanding through training. I am especially thankful to my theological teachers at the University of South Africa, namely David J. Bosch (1929–1992) and Willem A. Saayman (1942–2015) and the Mennonite theologian John Howard Yoder (1927–1997) who helped me in my search for a theology of political involvement. It was Professor Saayman, long time South African missionary to Zambia and then professor of missiology at the
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